Team Eternal Quill

The Eternal Quill is a community for expression of Different thoughts from several minds, to explore different aspects of life and literature, creating and sharing creations which define, express and even sometimes guide because --    
"Society finds it's actual life in literature"

  • The Eternal Quill  φ001 |
Someone seeking answers in literature to understand Life, People and Problems in a different point of view. Believing that whatever you need to learn NATURE and LITERATURE are always the best Teacher.

    The Alpha is free from all filters and usually writes about dark sides of society and tries to be unbiased. Being  ferocious as THE ALPHA itself but is humble towards others. Respects everyone’s opinion and critics but doesn’t care about it until it’s genuine.

    My creation are just expression of pure emotions of people, the PHOENIX itself represents rebirth and beginning of a new life. In hope to inspire others for a new start rising over the nightmares of the past and above so called limits and boundaries.

    • अज्ञात  | φ004 |

      मै वो चितवन का पुष्प सदा 
      जो रक्त से सींचा हुआ 
      यदि मर भी जाऊं तो 
      वाणी है अमर मेरी 
      मै साहित्य का वह बीज 
      जो कल वृक्ष कला का बन जाऊंगा 

      • Pythiusx φ007 | 
      He is consumed by Envy, selfishness and negative vibes. He is obsessed with reading, writing telling lies. He is very friendly but tend to get into fight when angry. 

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