Friday, July 3, 2020

Ode to my mother

You baffled in
Anticipation before my arrival,
Exhausted your body bearing my infancy,
Mutitasked in every step,
Toddling and preschooling,
Tooling emotionally in my teens and tweens,
I sticked to my urban bubble gum generation validation
Not noticing the most mundanely anchored roots 
Watered in passion of your motherhood
You, my tangible wealth...
I, a happy-go-lucky son

From handling my every drip of laziness towards responsibilities
To my tone of tantrums on you.
From subsequent fights for updation
To harsh words on validation.

I realised your heart after all the desertification
You, have a heart of child's classroom.
My poetic casket of jewels
You never gave up on me.

My heart sums up the eventual realisation towards you
I am fully grown up, a man,
But never for you I shall
The nurturing love and anchored values,
The genetic predispositions and the fondlesome care
Sailing in every boat, balancing my oars of wrongs
Instilling the seeds of every quality
Planting trees of your every product

Someone somewhere
Rightly said
" Mothers are inscrutable beings to their sons, ALWAYS"

-Shreya Srivastava

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