Saturday, May 30, 2020


It was raining outside
The sky was not blue anymore,
There were so many clouds that made the sky black...
So much like the emotions inside of me,

I was sitting at my half opened window of my room...
lights were dimmed,
It made me half-drowsy,half awake,
Like I was drunk...

Cold breezy air entering into the room..
Accompanying me with my loneliness,
Sometimes it caressed my hairs...
Sometimes it touched my lips gently...
Sometimes it spreaded over my skin....
Felt so much like you, baby.

Comforting yet there were paining somewhere inside me..very painful
Unconsciously,my tears were rolling down my cheeks...

Suddenly a heartless powerful thunder made me awake...
I realized it was all my wishful thinking...I just dreamed of 'us'.
But in reality...'we' doesn't exist anymore
It's just 'you'&'me'

All the memories hit me hard again...
Again the pains made me cry like hell....
But still,
Even though it hurts......I want to see that dream again and again.

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