Saturday, May 2, 2020

You need to speak for YOU

We all know what mainly females go through in public transport or in crowded places.

Here is what you need to know-
There are many sick heads in our society and they really enjoy all this stuff, don't believe me? Try asking the women you know, they might tell you about their difficulties. And you know what, the one who do all doesn't really care about moral values and anyone's feeling. Those filthy mind sick heads really enjoy doing all this by heart. You can find many such pages on social media and they are really appreciated by other filthy minds, and they are thousands in number. You need to take your stand. 

Leave this, even your mother, sister, friend or maybe you have faced similar situations(This happens with boys too, but much less & I have zero knowledge about it). And being honest, you may also have stared at your colleagues, friends or strangers, which is not good, you know why? Because they start feeling insecure and if something happens, our great society blames them. There is a word CONSENT which mean if you find a person even naked and if he/she is resisting to your efforts for making out, then you should respect his/her choice and stop.

What is the relevance of all this with You need to speak for YOU?

For victim- Why the hell are you tolerating him? Why don't you just turn and shout or slap that person? Because you think you are weak? The king of jungle is Lion, not elephant, its all about mindset. If you are not raising your voice against him then you're supporting him in his intentions. You haven't done anything wrong, then why are you tolerating him? And if you did, that doesn't mean that he can molest you. RAISE YOUR VOICE!! SPEAK FOR YOUR OWN.

For viewer- Today if it is happening in front of you and you are not raising your own voice against it then your are giving support to that filthy person!! And you are also the part of same society, if you don't speak against it today, then it can also happen to you, your mother, sister, daughter, friend or anyone else because they are also the part of same society. So, indirectly YOU ARE ASLO RAISING VOICE FOR YOURSELF!! SPEAK FOR YOUR OWN.

For doer- Sorry, I have no words for you, 'cause you're a filthy minded psycho and I'm not a psychiatrist. 

I'll like to end with---
"The one who watches the crime and doesn't speak against it is none the less then the criminal."

Vice versa for males.

1 comment:

  1. It's worth reading. Nd that's wat you call it a good and awakening read... really nice.


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