Thursday, June 25, 2020

Dancing in the rain

Your sway was depicted through my words,
Every frolic, every smirk, delicately found a way to be included in my muse.
The symphony between your footsteps and the gestures.
The constant need to get down during a heavy shower,  twirl and say,
“Let my footsteps synchronize with the raindrops”
They did.
Every single note matched.
The disappointment of the petrichor not being strong enough,
The hot mug of coffee being by your windowsill,
I often pondered about your craziness,
The mud was never icky,
The roads,never slippery.
The sky, never gloomy.
Optimism is what you brought along, a huge baggage of it.
My pessimism often failed.
My prose seemed to love you,
For, my emotions illustrated potently.
My craft misses you.
For the sake of it,
Come back?

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