Tuesday, June 9, 2020

"Only LovinG is not enough!"

Yes,only LOVING is not enough!
You need to have the courage!!

Courage to accept your feelings first
Then courage to accept that person's feelings too.

When you are rejected,
you need to understand 
That you can't force someone
To love you back
You need to have the courage
to accept that fact.

When your are accepted,
You should have the courage
To forget your past 
And give your whole to that person

You need to have the courage
to bear all the responsibilities in the relationship.

You need to have the courage
to accept the flaws too
You need to have the courage
to face all the problems
And to solve them together.

You need to have the courage
to speak loud for your love,
to stand up for your love,
To fight back for your love.

Only loving is not enough,
You need to have the courage as well.

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