Thursday, June 25, 2020



Well we all are aware of darkness aren't we?But did anyone ever think what if this darkness covers all our existence....what if out thoughts become reality?What if that parallel world comes in the role play of which we all have fear of? Well that night it happened I guess that night was the scariest of all when we experienced some paranormal experiences...we all know that apart from our world there might be a parallel world..a world of mysteries...a world remained in disguise.Some people would want to discover that world..some would want to unravel the mysteries of those places...well we had an account of vacations and decided to visit our kith and kins...little did we know that the place was an isolated one! As soon as we got there we witnessed a strange and solemn atmosphere.To our surprise we had to stay there for a while alone...just children as our parents had to get away with something else at that was evening and our parents didn't return yet and we were to wait and nothing to the evening grew darker that place with just trees and no human...only a single house got dark and started raining and our parents had not returned..we were suppose to stay inside...suddenly there was a knock on the door we were somewhat afraid that who could visit us in such rain and at such a place at this time...peeped out from the glass window there was nobody outside!! WE got chilling sensation
as we heard someone's footsteps growing louder. and there was nobody outside.....the rain got heavier and all the children including us actually got frightened...we stayed inside and waited...the rain stopped our parents return and we were yet to discover who was the visitor but did not have enough courage to ask them...from that place we returned soon and since then I got many visions..maybe people will think we hallucinated...or we had any illusions but the truth is the experience that night was far away from the definitions of was the experience undefined and also the one unexplainable...!!! Who says paranormal things are not real....they are and in some or the other way they make uh aware of their presence...their existence..!! Well there are many more stories I could tell but some other day....Till then stay safe... Be ready the next one could be uh...!!!👀💀

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