Sunday, June 28, 2020


You fell and you were lost !
You got the hardest hit ever ,
And for this defeat, no could pay the cost . 
You could've quit and said ‘never’! 
But why did you choose to cross the line –
Of comfort, why did you risk it ? 
Why did you smile and say you're fine ? 
Why , in this world, you never tried to fit?
You said you yearned to be inevitable, 
The price was one win and more failures! 

I ask you , why did you choose this battle ?
Till now , you've got only pearl white tears .
All that you struggled for , was in vain ,
‘cause you just gave but nothing you got,
What you got , in return , was just pain . 
Was that all for what you fought ?

You are stubborn and fierce indeed .
The whole world knows that you've fallen !
This is what you get when you risk instead.
You must realise that even the heroes fall , 
They are defeated , crushed and broken. 
Rise up and say -‘ I survived’ , standing tall.
Oh dear rebel soul , let yourself be woken !

-Subhanshi Palai


  1. Marvellous! Proud of you always .. I know You have to go long way to go...and will rise and stand tall up high.. . My best wishes to you
    . . God bless you dear.
    Regards, Neha Chauhan.

    1. Thankyou so so much ma'am . It means a lot to me coming from you . Thankyou so much . :)


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