Monday, June 1, 2020

An apology to Mother Nature

When I first met you,
You were the prettiest thing I had ever seen,
Your green skin beneath me feet,
Oh how soft it must have been before me;
But now I need you to let me in,
Let me use you to satisfy my needs.

When I first saw you, you overflowed with pride,
Rivers and seas that could make me feel alive,
Blue waters with waves that were so high;
But I need you to let me survive,
Let me pass my oil tanks through your loving arms,
Let me darken you till I forget how clear you once weren’t.

When I first breathed you, how fresh you had been,
With a breath that could make me forget all that I had seen,
I could reminisce on your scent till heaven takes you in,
But I need to to let me build my factory for I have needs you see?
Let me add a flavor onto you, a flavor that might not appeal.

When I first passed through you, how full you seemed,
With trees that went on for miles till I couldn’t help but dream,
Of all the ways I could run through you till I thought of my schemes;
But I need you to let me use you, for I have my own regimes,
Let me tear you down, even though my plans might be too extreme.

How I miss those days when I could get lost in your lands,
Your once green body has turned into ash,
The rivers I so dearly loved, darkened by my hands,
The trees I used to count... something of the past.

Will you ever forgive me for making you dark?
Will my words be enough  for the damage I have done?
I beg you to erase the errors of my past,
And let me start again, will you forgive me in advance?
Oh human greed, a feeling  so vast.

I took from you, till nothing remained,
I broke you in many ways , I should be ashamed,
I coloured your skies black, your purity I maimed,
How filthy a creature in me, you had gained.

I’m sorry for all the errors of my past,
The mistakes my people on you have cast,
I take blame for their actions, hoping to be judged,
For the state you’re in now, is proof you’ve been harassed,
Forgive me, Mother Nature it’s obvious we didn’t know any better.
-a sincerely sorry human being.

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